April 1st - In House BJJ Scrimmage - Kids & Adults

We are excited to announce and invite you to another BJJ Scrimmages event hosted at Nova Gyms Martial Arts & Fitness on April 1st! This event is designed to help BJJ players of all ages gain valuable competitive experience without paying steep registration costs and spending all day at a venue!

Event Schedule: Kids pre-registration and check-in will begin at 9:30 a.m and brackets will begin rolling at 10 a.m until 12 noon. There will be a break at 12 noon for lunch, then adult check-in will begin at 1 p.m with brackets starting at 1:30 lasting until 3:30 p.m

Cost: Registration cost for kids and adults is $25. With families of more than one competitor a maximum of $50 will be charged for the whole family.